Cuando Jasy empieza a brillar en el horizonte

te esperamos para ponerle sabor a tu día


Every day after 6pm, to the light of Jasy (Moon in Guarani language), we wait for you to add flavor to your memories.

For cocktail time, you can encourage yourself to try typical drinks of the region, author cocktails based on native herbs or also choose a classic cocktail made with the solidity of our traditions and served with the warmth that distinguishes our bartenders.

In Argentina, lunchtime is a very special moment and we from Iguazu want to honor this tradition. For that reason, at Jasy we privilege the use of locally produced ingredients, seasonal fruits and vegetables, fresh river fish, selected meats, homemade pasta.

Basically, we do not skimp on using that essential ingredient that makes you remember that favorite dish: a lot of love in preparing it and dedication in serving it.



+549 (3757) 315342


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